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Elección del editor: Amnis 2.1

Since 2010, Amnis Technology has been developing cutting-edge software and have produced two free programs that offer innovative solutions. Amnis Technology’s PDFLite offers a simply designed package that enables you to create and view PDF files swiftly and effortlessly. A PDF is a Portable Document Format file which, because it is not reliant on the software used to create it, will appear the same on whatever device they are viewed on. If you have ever tried sending a complicated Word documents with images, tables and graphs via email, you will know what a jumbled mess it can be when viewed at the other end. Also, if you are creating a document using less popular software, it will be difficult for those receiving it to view it unless they have the same software installed on their device. A PDF is the perfect solution – providing a lightweight document for universal viewing. PDFLite also enables you to search a document, as well as zoom in and out and print a hard copy. Alongside PDFLite, Amnis Technology have also produced UnZipLite for the creation of compressed files. This program also enables you to unpack compressed files as well as encrypt files.

Simple packages to effectively create PDF and ZIP files

While many applications enable you to export documents in PDF format, that doesn’t cover everything. For example, you might want to use a web page as the basis for your PDF or might have several documents that you wish to convert into PDFs simultaneously. It is for projects like these, and many others, that PDFLite proves infinitely useful. As the software is also available in a range of languages, it is an effective and universal tool. UnZipLite, on the other hand, provides an easy way of compressing or encrypting a large number of files without being overwhelmed with options and toolbars. UnZipLite is also capable of compressing in bulk which is particularly useful if you need to share a large number of data-heavy documents with others. As the size of the documents is reduced by zipping, so transferring those files is faster and less cumbersome. Encryption is another useful action that you can perform using UnZipLite. If you need to protect certain data from other users who do not have the correct authentication to view it, you can create a password-sensitive folder which can only be accessed with a password or secret key. Both these Amnis products are free, use little data, and are simple to use, making them universally useful and accessible.

Versión 2.1
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