Rar expander

Rar expander

Versión 0.8.5 Beta 4
Prueba gratuita
0.57 MB
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Easily extract your RAR files, free of cost.

Mac users have limited options in opening RAR files, as compared to any general Windows user. As such, for the convenience of Mac users, RAR Expander offers quick and easy opening of WinRAR archives.
This tool can take care of all multi-part or singular archives thereby making it very beneficial for the Mac users. In addition, the tool also provides trouble free expanding of any unit that has varying file types, for example, an archive consisting of various types of media player files. Moreover, RAR Expander works great with any sort of password protected file archive, but obviously you must possess the right password as a prerequisite.
While using the tool, always remember that it is limited only to the RAR format. Simply stated, it will not open any other archive format. Furthermore, you will find that RAR Expander is very simple in application. All you need to do is to open the tool’s interface and then browse any archive you care to open. While in operation, the tool will display a short progress bar while it unzips your files. Likewise, you should note that the tool will not restore any corrupted or damaged archives. So don’t waste your time in search of an option that allows such functionality.
In conclusion, if you are a Mac user, make your life easy by choosing the RAR expander. If you need further information on the software tool, feel free to visit the site: http://rarexpander.sourceforge.net/Links.html

Rar expander
Rar expander
Versión 0.8.5 Beta 4
Prueba gratuita
0.57 MB
Seguridad verificada
Comparación de Programas Alternativos:
Alternativas a Rar expander - Cuadro comparativo de Software:
Nombre de la aplicación
Tamaño del Archivo
With UnRaX, unzip all RAR files on Mac with ease.
1.2K Descargas
0.70 MB
Un programa para crear archivos RAR de 64bit
167.9K Descargas
3.51 MB
Administra archivos usando opciones de compresión y descompresión en formato Zip
1.9K Descargas
8.51 MB
An effective extracting app that supports several file formats.
639 Descargas
4.24 MB
Software para comprimir archivos, genial para comprimir y descomprimir paquetes de datos.
46.5K Descargas
62.15 MB

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