VGA Monitor Cables

VGA Monitor Cables

Vonavo Media Group
Versión 1.0
2.00 MB
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Consigue buenos cables de VGA para tu PC

VGA Monitor Cables are important to have if you are using your PC. What use would your PC be if you can’t use your monitor? VGA stands for Video Graphics Array connector and is a wire that connects your monitor to your PC in order to power the visual display. The 15-pin VGA connector can be found being used on various computer monitors and television sets. You can even use them on laptops as well and other devices.
In laptops, there is a tiny space given to connect the VGA cable and a full-sized VGA port is given on the PC. You can get a set of VGA Monitor Cables from any computer store or you could order them online. The cables are easy to use. All you have to do is plug one end on your monitor and the other end at the back of the CPU.
The cable is roughly 1m in length and has 15 pin to pin connectors. VGA cables and connectors use various analog components, for example, the RGBHV which stands for red, green, blue, horizontal sync and vertical sync.
All in all, if without using VGA Monitor Cables you won’t be able to activate your monitor, it means you will not be able to watch movies or do anything for that matter.

VGA Monitor Cables
VGA Monitor Cables
Vonavo Media Group
Versión 1.0
2.00 MB
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